Friday, April 16, 2010

It's JUST a car with wings... Oh wait, it can fly too?!

Well, it looks like we are getting a little closer to the Jetson family.  For years, people have been dreaming of what it would be like to have a personal car that could take flight; that day has come.

TERRAFUGIA has created the vehicle called Transition®.  It is a completely street legal car that has the ability and potential to fly over it's competitors (literally).  The picture to the left shows the cars ability to fly over buildings.  So, it actually reaches heights that make this a flying car.

This car plane street legal plane is also fairly impressive on the street; it get's 30 mpg at highway speeds.  The specs for this vehicle can be found here.  It is looking as if this might be one of the first viable options for a relatively low cost plane/car combo.  The anticipated purchase price still might seem a bit high at $194,000 but considering most would easily spend $300k+ on a personal aircraft $194k is a reasonable price.

As, the years move on I am sure this car/cars like it will come down in price making this an affordable option for many.  When looking at training this vehicle requires as little as 20 hours of flight time in a Transition®-specific course.  If you are already a pilot all you need is a quick familiarization training it comes with every Transition® vehicle.

Maybe the Jeston's world is closer to us than we realize.  As a product I think this one shows a lot of promise.  With a relatively low price of $194,000, the need for only 20 hours of training, and the possibility to use this plane as a car on roads makes this, in my mind, one of the best products of 2010.