Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Response to Beauty Backlash

The campaign for Dove I think was a very successful campaign but I find it funny that they are pushing to have an image that is contrary to their own product.

I think it is important that people feel comfortable with their own bodies.  However, there are a lot of people in the United States who still feel uncomfortable with their bodies.  Dove's campaign I think was a step in the right direction.  They wanted to show their audience that they think any body, no matter the shape, is beautiful.  It is a direction I think more products need to move in.

Even if it is a step in the right direction if you look further into where this message is coming from it is hard to believe that they truly believe that; the message is completely contrary to their products.  If everyone is beautiful why would they need beauty products to make them look even better.

This campaign is much like the cigarette companies creating a campaign for smokers to stop smoking.  In my mind it hardly makes any sense.  Overall, it is a message that needs to be heard but it is coming from a source that is hard to take serious.