Monday, November 30, 2009

Facebook Me

Facebook over the past few years has gone over many changes. It had a humble beginning as a social networking site for Harvard. It slowly started to incorporate more colleges and universities as it expanded. Now as it stands anyone over the age of 13 can create a Facebook profile.

Facebook is a site that has had many critiques but I think it is a service that many can use to keep in touch with others that they would have not otherwise. In my mind user that are still in High School cannot use this service to the full extent or purpose. Many students in college have many people from high school that they may want to keep in touch with and without Facebook the relationship would diminish. Once a person is out of college I think this tool could be used to it's full extent. This site allows for a person to post photo's and keep other updated on what is going on in their lives.

Several months ago my mother decided to make a Facebook account. The reason for this is so that she can stay up on what is going on with family members. I also have four other siblings and often times when we are around her we refer to pictures that we say on Facebook and she wanted to be apart of that experience because she felt like she was missing out. I think that is often a sensation that many feel now that a large portion of the population has Facebook. They want to hop on the bandwagon and not get left behind. Even while I am at home both of my parents are starting to adopt language used by regular Facebook users; which is very amusing. Almost as amusing as when my mother was rapping to Eminem but that is another story.

Even though some users could use Facebook to a more full extent I think depending on what stage of your life you are in you use Facebook differently. If anything users of different generations have different reasons for using Facebook. Facebook can be a very useful tool to keep up-to-date with "friends" but it can also in some people's minds be to personal. Sometimes it may show people information that you don't care for them to know. A person with Facebook often times has a more public life because of this tool.

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