Monday, November 30, 2009

YouTube a New Medium

YouTube has been a thriving site for the past few years and was recently bought by Google. Using YouTube a person or a company can create something that millions of users will be able to see. YouTube is now an environment where T.V. shows can now release videos. An example of this cross over would be the Muppets. The Muppet Show was once a TV show that was made around different Muppet sketches. Now, users of YouTube can check out the Muppet Studio's Channel which has many skits that users can watch when ever they feel. This will give the audience a chance to view the skits when ever they would like without having to wait for a specific episode to air on TV. Also, these videos can be spread to others who have never experienced the Muppet Show. An example of how these videos could be spread is through Facebook. I had posted a video from the Muppet Studio Channel on my Facebook page which I thought others would like to see.

An example of a person creating a show on YouTube would be Philip DeFranco. He has gained a following of viewers by expressing his opinion on current news. Often times his view is skewed and one sided but it does provide entertainment. DeFranco is only one of many that have become popular through using Facebook as a medium. DeFranco and a few others have now come together with a company and now get paid to work on the VLOG's (Video Blogs).

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