Friday, February 5, 2010

About Christian

Well, normally bloggers will introduce themselves before they start blogging. I am doing things in a bit of a mixed up order so you will have to just go with the flow on this one.

My name is Christian Swanberg and I am a Communication Studies student at Hamline University. This blog is used for the reason of completing assignments that I have for classes. The blogs that I have written prior to this were for my Mass Communication class thus they will probably have a little bit different focus than the ones to come. The posts that are to come will be done for my Public Relations class.

This seems to be a tad bit boring so now on to the more important part of this post; me! I like long walks on the beach, moonlight strolls, cooking and baking, making my significant other happy, smiling, and working out. Outside of class, I am involved with things like Residential Life, Track and Field, Relay for Life, and many other various things. I like to be involved around campus and helping out others when I can.

I am the type that most would just assume that I would blog; most likely becuase of my heavy usage of the internet. I am truly addicted to social networking and social gaming. These things I will pour hours and hours a week into; probably close to 60 hours a week combined. I am trying to reduce this usage considerably but it is just too easy to lose yourself on the internet and to all it has to offer. One thing I am addicted to besides Facebook and Youtube is a game called Ikariam. I have a prior post that talks about this game a little bit and if you like the game Civilization I am sure you would enjoy this game.

Hmmm… It seems as if I have turned to rambling about myself which I wanted to avoid. I just wanted to write about myself and that’s, for the most part, what I did so I hope you can handle the adventure into my rambling world. If you did I think you will enjoy my posts to come.

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