Monday, February 22, 2010

War Made Easy

Watching the film "War Made Easy", really opened my eyes up to how easy it is for a government to control what the population sees and thinks.

The messages conveyed no longer have areas or shades of gray. Things are now black and white; people must pick sides. When trying to get people to think a certain way this could be a very helpful tool. It creates a binary that you are right or wrong; patriotic or unpatriotic; good or evil. The binaries continue on and if you are not on the side of the majority you will be ridiculed and made to look obscure. Even though this may be really effective I do not consider it to be ethical.
To create an environment where things cannot be questioned is to create a stagnant community. There will no longer be growth or self exploration. To be able to really help the population the government needs to seek out those that are willing to be the devil’s advocate; we need a voice of reasoning. A voice of reasoning will create an environment where people can ask questions and not be afraid of the outcome. They will not be censored and they will be hailed as the ones who are trying to get to the truth. If something is justifiable it should be able to be backed up by information and facts that will withstand the tough questions.

I do not think that this questioning happens enough in our everyday life. It is important to know why things occur a certain way; or who owns that radio station you listen to and their other affiliations. We need to work at creating a generation that will ask the critical questions. I challenge all of you to ask hard questions of authority if ever you are confused. Do not follow blindly.

--Final Version--


  1. I tend to agree that people need to build up an ability to tell right and wrong, instead of following bindly. What human being differ from animals is that we are able to ask questions about what happen in the world? what is the real purpose behind what the government said? And then think about it critically. I think critical thinking is a life long process. Since the world is changing every moment, we need to be well awareness of the mass media, catchin up the speed of the world, and try to make an effor to make the world become better and more peaceful.

  2. from seeing this film it truly opened my eyes as well to what the media is really saying. i have also started double checking sources and looking at more than one news outlet to make sure i am getting as much of the correct information that i can. i think that by showing this film and all of our class it not only opened eyes, but also reassured what some people already knew, that the government and the media are trying to corrupt the American public into picking sides. you demonstrated your thoughts on this clearly and effectively.

    p.s. i really like reading your blogs. :D

  3. From watching this movie, I really understand that us, as the audience need to keep a critical thinking instead of reveiving the message from outside passively. As you said, If something is justifiable it should be able to be backed up by information and facts that will withstand the tough questions. We need to carefully about the news source of the information we see or listen, since audience are the initiate part of the social group movement, we need to be careful. Your blog is clarify and your point is concrete :-)

  4. Great blog- I agree with what you said. The way media communicates with the public whether its through the content, time, and the side it tells really influneces how the public thinks and acts. The public is suppose to get the "full" truth from the media but in todays society that has changed to what the governments wants the public to know. Anyways, good blog very interesting to read.
